Legal information

This website is the property of Eshich and Partners LLC (hereinafter referred to as “the Site”).

General Provisions

Aspects related to access and use of information provided on the Site are governed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The Site owner reserves the right to establish some rules and post them in this section. Use of the Site means the user’s agreement with all the points presented below.


The information presented on the Site is protected by copyright and current legislation on the protection of intellectual property. Any use or copying of materials or compilation of Site materials, elements of design and decoration can only be carried out with the written consent of the Site owner and only with a link to

Content of Materials

To ensure the relevance of the information posted on the Site, all possible measures are taken, the Site owner reserves the right to make changes to the content of the materials of this Site at any time at his discretion. All information on the Site is of an informative nature only and under no circumstances constitutes a public offer defined by the provisions of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.


Trademarks and other designations presented on the site are the property of Eshich and Partners LLC and third parties. The information published on the site does not provide any rights to use any trademarks without obtaining the prior written consent of the owner.


Information on external websites and resources, links to which are published on this Site, is not a continuation or addition to the Site materials.